Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bouchie Lake Rec Commission Mtg Monday

Over on CRD Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren's Facebook Page - she notes that the Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission is having a meeting on Monday, March 12th

From the post:

The Bouchie Recreation Comission has a meeting on Monday, March 12, 2012 at 7 pm at Bouchie Lake Hall. Everyone welcome to attend. The Committees have been meeting and some great plans are being developed. This includes some community events to increase awareness, to have fun and to generate some LOCAL funds for the community.

If you live in the area and are able to attend - I strongly encourage you to do so

Also - she, on her Facebook page, notes the following request regarding 2012 Local Gov't Awareness Week, as follows:

It's LOCAL GOVERNMENT WEEK May 20-26, 2012! Let me know what we do to celebrate this within Electoral Area B.

The primary purpose for Local Government Awareness Week is to generate awareness and to educate the public about the roles and responsibilities of local government, including boards of education, and to encourage the public to participate in local government processes.

I am exploring some ways by which I can participate in this process.

I'm pretty sure that she also wants to hear from you as well on how the Cariboo Regional District, as a whole, can celebrate Local Government Awareness Week in the area(s) where you live, here in the great Cariboo-Chilcotin

You can email your thoughts on the above here and don't forget to read her blog here

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