Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Campaign Finance Disclosure Period over...

Yesterday at 5pm was the end of the time for candidates (successful or not) to file their campaign finance disclosure form with their local Chief Election Officer.  Candidates may still file their finance disclosure form until April 18th but it must come with a $500 late filing fee

Under sub-section 90(2) of the Local Government Act:

A local government may, by bylaw, provide for public access to documents referred to in subsection (1), during all or part of the period referred to in subsection (1) (a), in any manner the local government considers appropriate, including by the Internet or other electronic means.

At present in our area - the following local governments have elected to put the campaign finance disclosure forms online:

1) City of Prince George - scroll down to 'Candidate Documents' here
2) City of Quesnel - see here
3) City of Kamloops - see here

In the meantime (and until the City of Williams Lake can be in a position to put the campaign finance documents online as I, Scott Nelson and WL City Councillor Surinderpal Rathor were filing our campaign finance disclosure documents yesterday) - I will publicly post my campaign finance disclosure form here

Total Donated to my campaign - $343.84
Who Donated to my campaign - APOLLO Security Ltd (my own company)
Total Expenses - $343.84 consisting of 1 ad in Fall edition of WL & District Chamber of Commerce Newsletter and business cards/brochures

Or I spent $0.45 per vote that I received on November 19th, 2011

Had I been elected - the above would have been part of the procedure I would have employed to keep the residents' informed as to my activities as a Williams Lake City Councillor

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