Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cariboo RD Board to debate support for 'New Prosperity'

At its' meeting on Friday, March 30th - the Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors' will debate support of the 'New Prosperity' Mine near Fish Lake in the Nemiah Valley as proposed by Taseko Mines

The request to debate the above is being put forward by Cariboo RD Area 'J' Director (and former Xeni Gwet'in Chief/current Xeni Gwet'in Band Councillor) Roger William

In support of his request - he has submitted the following information to the Board:

Prosperity Project: I understand that CRD supported Proposed Prosperity Mine Project on Fish Lake (Teztan Biny) in the 1st CEAA Panel Hearing Process, which was turned down by both Canadian CEAA Panel and Federal Government; We are now looking at the New Proposal and 2nd Panel Hearing for Proposed Prosperity Mines Project on Teztan Biny; I feel that CRD needs to revisit their support, as this is new and 2nd Proposal. This proposal is 3rd Option in which Taseko Mines Ltd. themselves in 1st Panel Hearing in 2010 put forward as a lesser option then Option that was turned down; I put forward a Motion to rescind CRD’s support of Proposed Prosperity Mines;

Director William has also put forward items relating to the approved Strata Title for Chilko Lakes and Aboriginal Title - you can read the information to these two items here

I wouldn't be surprised if current Xeni Gwet'in Chief Marilyn Baptiste, elders from Nemiah Valley & supporters of Xeni Gwet'in were present in the Cariboo Regional District Boardroom while the CRD Board debates support for 'New Prosperity'

If I had to predict it - I believe a vote of support for 'New Prosperity' by the CRD Board would go something like this:

Yeas - 10 Directors'
Nays - 6 Directors'

Armstrong (Area ‘A’)
Dixon-Warren (Area ‘B’)
Massier (Area ‘C’)
Kemp (Area ‘E’)
Bischoff (Area ‘D’)
Sorley (Area ‘F’)
Richmond (Area ‘G’)
William (Area ‘J’)
Wagner (Area ‘H’)
Mernett (Area ‘K’)
Glassford (Area ‘I’)
Rattray (Area ‘L’)
Sharpe (Wells)

Sjostrom (Quesnel)

Cook (Williams Lake)

Campsall (100 Mile)

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