Friday, March 9, 2012

City of WL looks at options for its' APC...

On Dec 8th, 2011  - I authored a letter to Williams Lake City Council around how to improve/strengthen the City's Advisory Planning Commission or APC.  On March 6th, Williams Lake Council, in a Special Committee of the Whole Meeting, meet to consider a report from Lilliana Dragowska (City Planner) outlining the various options/background info for Council around the City's APC and what other jurisdictions are doing for municipal APC's.  Note - the City of Quesnel and the Districts of 100 Mile/Wells do not have an APC while the Cariboo Regional District has APC's established for their Electoral Areas

Options include:

a) Dissolution of APC
b) Re-write the City's APC Bylaw to strengthen the role of an APC Member

Read the Staff report here

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