Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lana Popham vs Don McRae

Earlier today during Question Period in the BC Legislature -- Lana Popham (NDP Agriculture critic & MLA for Saanich South) asked a question regarding Big Creek rancher Randy Saugstad and the response of both BC Agriculture Minister Don McRae and Forests Minister Steve Thomson was the same to her -- we are aware of Mr. Saugstad's concerns and we continue to work through his issues

Exchange between Ms. Popham/Minister McRae:

L. Popham: Over the past month I've raised concerns about the plight of ranchers near Big Creek who are losing their livelihoods because this government refuses to work with them on issues that are impacting them. According to Randy Saugstad, one of the ranchers whose story I brought into this chamber, his local MLA, the member for Cariboo-Chilcotin, said he was making a mountain out of a molehill when he spoke to her about these problems.
Does the Minister of Agriculture agree with the member for Cariboo-Chilcotin? Does he believe ranchers who are going out of business because of this government's mismanagement are making a mountain out of a molehill?

Hon. D. McRae: You know, this was raised in the House prior, I think several weeks ago, and it was directed to a different minister at the time. At the time I thought, well, it wasn't a question for myself, and so I approached the member opposite afterward, saying, "It's really not my issue, but if you wish to talk about it, please come and see me. My office is in 301. You know where it is. I would be more than willing and like to look into this issue." However, I have yet to have that visit in my office.

So my question is…. I'm going to give a question back. I will advocate for agriculture anytime I can. But you know what? We need to have that conversation. Are we talking about what's good for agriculture or what's good for politics in this House?

L. Popham: Well, I know the minister is new to his job, but ranching falls under the Ministry of Agriculture, Minister. I did very well address the Minister of Agriculture two weeks ago.

The Minister of Agriculture has the responsibility to represent the concerns of ranchers at the cabinet table. So he should be listening to the concerns of ranchers near Big Creek — it's in British Columbia, Minister — and any other concerns brought forward by the cattle industry

Agriculture has the responsibility to represent the concerns of ranchers at the cabinet table, so he should be listening to the concerns of ranchers near Big Creek — it's in British Columbia, Minister — and any other concerns brought forward by the cattle industry. But that hasn't happened.

Again, to the Minister of Agriculture: will he visit these ranchers to hear their story, and, in the words of rancher Randy Saugstad, will you come and see the community that you and your government policy are destroying?

Hon. D. McRae: Mr. Speaker, they say we're destroying the industry. This is the same government that…. When they were in power, when they were driving jobs out of the province, when they were running up deficits and taxing taxpayers at a level that was unprecedented, they found $1 million for the B.C. Cattlemen's Association. Now, $1 million is a lot of money, but in the last ten years, I'm proud to say, this government has given the cattlemen $31 million.

In case the members doubt my numbers, let me give you some details, because I have the list here: $6 million for the BSE recovery program. We have $4 million for the cattle age verification program; $3 million to implement a beef industry strategy; $1 million to establish a cattle sustainability research chair at TRU; $5 million for agriflexibility funding; $2.5 million, AgriRecovery funding; and, through the Ministry of Transportation, there's also been a $10 million fencing program.

We put our efforts where our pocketbooks are. We spend the money. We work with the cattlemen. They are a great organization, and they have easy access to my office.

Meanwhile -- Ms. Popham has written on her blog on this exchange which you can read here

Finally - I don't think it is/was helpful for my local MLA, Donna Barnett, to suggest that Mr. Saugstad was making a "mountain of a molehill".  I think the concerns being brought forward from Mr. Saugstad are perfectly legitimate (Mountain Pine Beetle impacts on his ranching operation/length of time for a permit) and with a provincial election just over a year away, MLA Barnett can not afford to make mistakes (like she did here) and allow the NDP in Cariboo-Chilcotin to win the riding by making "rookie statements" like MLA Barnett did in this case

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