Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Night before the BC Teachers' Strike...

The night before all provincial elementary/secondary school teachers' go on strike...

And one person created a 4 minute video of different songs expressing a "Pro-Teacher" message.  View below:

Meanwhile (and on a serious note) - both BC Teacher Federation President Susan Lambert and BC Education Minister George Abbott took to the airwaves (Global-BC) and tried to claim the "high road".  Watch the videos below and decide who sways your opinion of the whole teacher dispute.    Former NDP MLA David Schreck, on Twitter, however wasn't too impressed with Ms. Lambert's performance and stated the following 'tweets':

1) "Lambert is campaigning 4 re-election & couldn't do decent job", 
2) "Maybe BCTF could be renamed "Losers-R-Us"; teachers, parents & students deserve better"
3) "If I was running media workshop 4 candidates or union leaders, I'd use Lambert's interview as example of how not 2 do it"
4) "No, I know what it takes to win; C- doesn't cut it when ur up against @ChristyClarkBC (BC Premier Christy Clark)"

BC Teacher Federation President Susan Lambert:

BC Education Minister George Abbott:

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