Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday News -- March 3rd edition

1) BC moves forward on 'elder abuse' prevention strategy - read here
2) Taseko Mines initiates legal action against Western Canada Wilderness Committee for 'misleading the public over "New Prosperity" mine proposal' - read here

3) Dedication from WLSS Tour Band - read here
4) Local high school students back teachers in their dispute with Victoria - read here
5) New 'Best Western' in Williams Lake opening soon  - read here
6) Cariboo Regional District: Help us remove 'noxious weeds' - read here
7) "Pro-Teacher" rally on Monday in Quesnel - read here
8) Soccer sign-up in 100 Mile House today - read here
9) 100 Mile Fire Chief offers 'safe disposal advice' after dumpster fire - read here
10) 'Ice Carnival' at South Cariboo Rec Centre in 100 Mile tonight - read here

Quesnel Council will be considering the following items Monday:

1) Year End Reports from various local groups like BIA's, Soccer Association, and Visitor Centre

2) Quesnel Council issues 'support resolutions' for EcDev activities of Nazko First Nation
3) Review of Capital Budget Voting and Review Draft 2012-2016 5 Year Financial Plan
4) Letter from City of Quesnel Auditor stating that City of Quesnel FULLY complies with the Income Tax Act (Canada)

You can review the full list of items above here

Meanwhile at WL Council on Tuesday:

1) Council will receive a letter rejecting a increase of provincial funding for the local Victim Services Program from Shirley Bond's Ministry of Justice.  Council is being asked to send another letter asking for a funding increase based on current needs - read here

Editor's Note - while there shouldn't be an argument around a general funding increase for the current Victim Services Program - the current tax requisition (ceiling) is already maxed out for the Cariboo RD's Victim Service contribution program and before it is increased - all parties (CRD, City, Province) need to be on the same page as far as the future of Victim Services and the fact that it needs to be equitable, in terms of services provided, whether you live in the City of Williams Lake or CRD Areas D, E, F, J or K (complaints lodged by CRD Directors' that service is not equitable for their residents).  Staff were previously tasked to look at this issue and perhaps the time has come to ask what the status of that report is because it is clear based on statements from Victoria on the 2012 Budget that any funding increase requests are not likely unless you can demonstrate anoverall plan that shows that 'you are putting your money where your mouth is'...

2) Retirement Concepts withdraws its' previous re-zoning application because of their current marketing plans and occupancy levels of WL Seniors' Village - read the full Staff report here

3) Grade 4 class at Chilcotin Rd Elementary gives ideas to improve the City of Williams Lake to WL Council - read the letter here

4) City Spaces Consulting Ltd to conduct Housing Need & Demand Study - read here
5) Axis Resources Ltd applies for a re-zoning at 'Moore House' - read here

Finally, former Williams Lake Mayor Rick Gibson (now residing in Kamloops) will be making a presentation to the City at Tuesday's Williams Lake Council Meeting but the Agenda does not outline what it is.  It might relate to Axis Resource's rezoning application but the Agenda does not specifically state this


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