Wednesday, March 28, 2012

SD #27 Board Highlights - March 27th meeting

Present - Chair W. Van Osch with Trustees T. Guenther, P. Baker, J. Austin, S. Boehm, and D. Neufeld

Absent - Trustee J. Cooper

Meeting called to order at 7:04pm

Agenda adopted
Minutes of Feb 28th SD #27 Board adopted


1) SD #27 Vice-Principal Jan Fitchner and 'Communities that Care' (CTC) Coordinator Carla Bulinger appeared before the Board to give an update on CTC (Powerpoint Presentation) as follows:

* 4th year of CTC
* Focus on needs of child
* Focus on 'positive behaviour' & work on 'negative' behaviour(s)
* Give children skills to manage challenges in their own lives
* Risk Factor & Protective Factor Profiles
* Discussion on 'Positive Action' & 'Roots of Empathy' Programs
* Desire to sustain/expand 'Positive Action' & 'Roots of Empathy' Programs
* Strategic Goals in 2012 include expanded communications and expand CTC Circle
* Glass Slipper Boutique Program commences on April 2nd
* Bus to Scout Island
* Power of CTC Model
* Review of Anahim Lake CTC Programs

The Chair thanked the delegation for their presentation


1) The Board adopted School District No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) Procedural Bylaw B2702
2) The Board adopted School District No. 27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) Public Particpation at Board Meetings Bylaw 27054
3) The Board extended the Canoe Creek (Stswecem'c/Xgat'tem)Local Education Agreement to June 30th, 2012
4) The Board received the Closed Meetings Report of Feb 28th/March 6th
5) The Secretary-Treasurer (B. Roller) advised the Board of an upcoming funding reduction of 1.5% for the 2012-13 School Year but School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) will receive $102,000 to implement the BC Education Plan
6) The Superintendent of Schools (D. Wright) presented the Board 4 Video Clips as follows:

a) Marketing 12 at Columneetza Secondary
b) Inter-Generational Program (Cataline Elementary) at WL Seniors' Village
c) YES 2 IT Program at TRU (Youth Exploring Skills to Industry Training)
d) RCMP Academy Program at Columneetza Secondary

7) The Board's Committees' will meet as follows:

a) Education Committee - April 2012
b) Environmental Stewardship Committee - May 1st, 2012
c) Policy Committee - April 10th

8) The Board received the 'Open Correspondence' Item as of March 9th
9) The Board resolved that its' April Open/Closed meetings be held at 100 Mile Jr Secondary

Meeting adjourned at 8:33pm

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