Sunday, March 25, 2012

Upcoming Local Gov't Business...


* CRD Area 'C' Director/Wells Mayor Robin Sharpe to present on Wells/Barkerville - Purden Lake road route - view presentation here

* Update on Quesnel ICSP process - read here

Williams Lake:

* Local BIA reps to discuss False Alarm Bylaw, Winter Committee Funding, Boitanio Mall, Community Branding, Revitalization and Downtown Camera Project Update with WL Council in Committee of the Whole

* Communications Policy Amendments/Presentation - read here/here
* Utility Cabinet 'Wrap' Project - read here

Cariboo Regional District:

* Recruitment/Retention of Health Care Professionals - read here
* Update on 2012 CRD Final Budget Numbers - read here
* Forest Capital of Canada 2010/2011 Final Report - read here
* Part of Young Rd, west of Alexis Creek to be shut down - read here
* Adoption of 2012 CRD Budget Bylaw - read here
* CRD wants to look at regulating signage for Home Based Businesses - read here

Editor's Note - the CRD has not really looked into this matter at great depth but I did receive concerns in Area 'F' in the 2008 local gov't election around signage for home-based businesses in the 140 Mile area & if the CRD Board is going to look into this matter, I'm not sure how they can look into signage and not look at the bigger issue around home based businesses - especially if they are going to look into signage then it would be only fair to look at the general issue of home-based businesses in rural areas and decide "Should we regulate home businesses in certain rural areas and specify conditions thereto...?"

* Xeni Gwet'in lodges another complaint around lack of consultation for Strata Building Conversion at Chilko Lake - read here

Editor's Note - as I explained to CRD Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff yesterday, the CRD Board has received this request now twice and perhaps the Board should decide, on a policy basis, if it should in fact engage in "Government to Government" consultation with Xeni Gwet'in... and if the CRD Board resolves this in the affirmative then it should push for a consultation agreement/protocol ASAP... as such a protocol/agreement in place would resolve many, if not all, land use issues...

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