Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WL Council Highlights - March 20th meeting

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:


Community Spirit Certificate – Williams Lake Youth Soccer Association

Mayor Kerry Cook presented a Community Spirit Certificate to Williams Lake Youth Soccer Association President Paula Freeman and Brian Hansen – Player/Coach Development & Rep Director.

Community Spirit Certificate – Williams Lake Minor Hockey Association

Mayor Kerry Cook presented a Community Spirit Certificate to Williams Lake Minor Hockey Association President Jonathan Jackson and Hockey Administrator Pam Povelofski.


2012 Economic Development Association of BC (EDABC) Awards Nominations

Council directed staff to submit a nomination to the 2012 Economic Development Association of BC (EDABC) Awards. The awards are handed out on May 15.

Contact: Brian Carruthers at 250-392-1763 or

Invitation to 2012 BIABC Annual Conference

Council received an invitation to attend the 2012 BIABC Conference April 2-4, 2012, and authorized an alternate councillor or staff to attend in the Mayor’s stead.

Contact: Brian Carruthers at 250-392-1763 or

'Cities Fit for Children' Provincial Summit

Council authorized travel and related expenses for the Mayor to attend the first ever Mayor Panel, taking place at the 3rd Annual 2012 'Cities Fit for Children' Provincial Summit on May 10, 2012 in Kamloops.

Contact: Brian Carruthers at 250-392-1763 or

57th Annual North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) Convention

Council approved travel, registration and associated expenses for Mayor and Council and the CAO to attend the 57th Annual North Central Local Government Association AGM and Convention from May 2 to 4, 2012 in 100 Mile House.

Contact: Brian Carruthers at 250-392-1763 or

Zoning Amendment Application - Bylaw No. 2152 - Axis Family Resources Ltd. - 324 First Avenue North

Council proceeded with an application from Axis Family Resources Ltd. to amend to amend the City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825, 2002 to change the zoning at 324 1st Avenue North from the Two Family Residential (R-2) zone to the Low Density Multiple Family Residential (R-3) zone, and by deleting Section 305.1 Permitted Land Uses and replacing it with the amended text noted in the Williams Lake Zoning Amendment No. 2152, 2011. Council gave second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 152 and scheduled a public hearing for April 17, 2012 at 7 p.m.

Contact: Geoff Goodall at 250-392-1766 or

CMRC Open on Statutory Holidays

Council received a report regarding the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex availability on statutory holidays, and approved a City/Central Cariboo Joint Committee resolution that the Complex continue with the 2011 statutory holiday schedule and remain open on Wrestling Day, Victoria Day, BC Day, Thanksgiving Day and Remembrance Day.

Contact: Geoff Paynton at 250-392-1786 or

Pool Task Force

Council received endorsed draft Pool Task Force Terms of Reference, with an amendment to include that the Pool Task Force meeting minutes be forwarded to the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee on a regular basis.

In addition, Council:
 Received and endorsed a Joint Committee resolution to appoint two youth representation seats on the Pool Task Force
 Endorsed Joint Committee resolutions to appoint Jerome Beauchamp, Stefan Hoelzer, and Geoff Goodall to the Pool Task Force.
 Endorsed a Joint Committee resolution that the Pool Task Force include a member of the Accessibility Advisory Committee, with the preferred representative to be selected by the Accessibility Advisory Committee.

Contact: Geoff Paynton at 250-392-1786 or

Appointment to Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee

Council endorsed a City/Central Cariboo Joint Committee resolution that Gerald Doering be appointed to the Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee.

Contact: Geoff Paynton at 250-392-1786 or

Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee Terms of Reference

Council endorsed proposed City/Central Cariboo Joint Committee Terms of Reference, which govern the Committee.

Contact: Brian Carruthers at 250-392-1763 or

Advisory Planning Commission (APC) Disbandment

Council advised staff to bring forward a bylaw to disband the Advisory Planning Commission, and to bring back a report outlining additional public consultation options for all development and land use planning matters. Over the years the APC has been seen as an important committee to Council as their role is to make recommendations on all land use based application in the City of Williams Lake. However, the commission has seen some issues over the last few years that have generated some questions on its legitimacy and necessity. Membership recruitments, commitment of members, quorum, research by members into the land use application before them and general interest in the Commission are some of the issues the APC faces.

Contact: Geoff Goodall at 250-392-1766 or

Editor's Note - As a former City of WL APC Chair/Vice-Chair from 2004-2011 - it was true that the City's APC did have quorum issues and there were commitment issues by those who applied to be appointed to the APC, I profoundly regret the language of 'research by (APC) members into matters before them' as it insinuates that APC Members' are too lazy to do their job which isn't really the case.  Better training opportunities would help firstly (like current Cariboo Regional District APC Members' receive from the CRD Manager of Planning Service (Rick Brundrige) and from the provincial Land Commission staff and secondly - more mentoring from the elected officials... I also wonder if the City of Williams Lake was attempting to set up the APC to fail so it could have an excuse to dissolve it permanently... did Staff ask City APC members' about the possibility to meet in the evening like some local APC's do throughout the province including the one that I presently Chair - the CRD Area 'D' Advisory Planning Commission which meets at 5pm when it has business to conduct

Economic Development Capacity Building Funding

Council received a letter from the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) regarding the 2012 Economic Development Capacity Building program and funding criteria The City has been approved for up to $35,000 for efforts to develop the local and regional economies.

Contact: Alan Madrigga at 250-392-1764 or

Age-Friendly Community Projects & Planning Grant Approval

Council received a letter from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities Local Government Program Services regarding approval of the 2012 Age-Friendly Community Projects & Planning Grant funding application through the Seniors' Housing & Support Initiative in the amount of $20,000 for fall prevention and balance classes. A weekly fall prevention balance class will be offered in four different locations close to where seniors 55+ and over live and play. The classes will include agility, balance, muscular endurance, muscular strength and flexibility components.

Contact Geoff Paynton at 250-392-1786 or

Rick Hansen event

Councillor Surinderpal Rathor gave an update on the completed planning efforts for the community celebration at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex as the Rick Hansen’s 25th Anniversary Relay arrives in Williams Lake. A family barbecue begins at 4 p.m., and the official program begins at 5:30 p.m.

Contact: Ken MacInnis at 250-392-8488 or

Next council meeting: April 3, 2012 at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers

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