Sunday, April 1, 2012

Can Christy Clark hang on until summer as BC Liberal Party Leader?

Yesterday, Charlie Smith of the Straight wrote an "interesting" op-ed piece in which he believes that BC Premier Christy Clark could be out as BC Liberal Party Leader as early as this summer - read more here.  There is mounting 'acedotal' evidence that Premier Clark may have issues with her BC Liberal Caucus (non-committal support from Cabinet Minister/BC Liberal MLA's) come summer, especially if poll numbers continue to hold their trends (NDP up, BC Conservatives catching up and even leap-frogging over the governing BC Liberals) towards the summer/fall of 2012

Meanwhile - following up on discussions in the media that BC Finance Minister Kevin Falcon, Education Minister George Abbott and Children/Family Minister Mary McNeil are hedging their bets about running in 2013, Prince George area MLA's Pat Bell, Shirley Bond and John Rustad all confirmed to Opinion their intention to seek re-election in 2013 - read here.  In addition to Bell, Bond and Rustad, their fellow colleagues Community Services Minister Ida Chong & Energy/Mines Minister Rich Coleman confirmed that they too will seek re-election in 2013

Finally in Cariboo-Chilcotin - local MLA Donna Barnett confirmed her intention today to seek re-election next year - read more here however when asked if Barnett supports Christy Clark as leader of the governing BC Liberals, her response was:

I still support the Liberal Party of BC.

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