Monday, April 9, 2012

Future Direction of Cariboo Lodge Task Force...

Back in October 2010 - the last Williams Lake City Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Cariboo Lodge Task Force - read those here

The following month - The then-WL City Council approved appointments to the Cariboo Lodge Task Force - read the list of appointees here.  Please note - the current WL City Council rep to this Task Force is Councillor Ivan Bonnell.  The first meeting of the Cariboo Lodge Task Force was on December 8th, 2010

The original timeframe for this Task Force to operate was 12-15 months which puts the Task Force reporting out at the end of March 2012 (Start in Dec 2010 and End on March 2012)

At this point - the Task Force is working with a consultant on a Housing Study for the local sub-region with no final date for the Cariboo Lodge Task Force to report out meanwhile other communities in BC are passing Williams Lake by with affordable seniors' housing supported by Victoria, something that was envisioned for Cariboo Lodge since 2004 when the City of Williams Lake acquired the Cariboo Lodge property back from Victoria

In my view - it would be helpful if there were on-going/consistent reports by Councillor Bonnell regarding progress of work by the Cariboo Lodge Task Force to the community to ensure, in fact, that Cariboo Lodge is a priority of this Council.  Studying issues is not a bad thing as long as they have a timeframe that is kept to and that any study relates to the goals/purposes of a Task Force...

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