Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Harry Bloy and his deplorable speech on 'Smart Meters'

Yesterday morning in the BC Legislature during Private Member Business' where a private member (opposition/government) can bring forward a motion for debate for one hour.  NDP Opposition House Leader (and MLA for Juan de Fuca) John Horgan brought forward this motion:

Be it resolved that this House urges the Government to direct the B.C. Utilities Commission to do a full and comprehensive review of the Smart Metering Program

Everything was going well until Harry Bloy (MLA for Burnaby-Lougheed) spoke this words (and no, I don't buy into this "heat of the moment" argument by Bloy.  His words were calculated and fully considered) :

Is he excited because the Leader of the Opposition can't fraudulently do something against the consumers of British Columbia, can't lie and cheat and steal money from the citizens of British Columbia? Is that why he speaks out of both sides of his mouth? It really makes me wonder how a Leader of the Opposition can steal from the public.


You know, sometimes it really makes me wonder about the Leader of the Opposition stealing from the public, fraud. I wonder how he proposed to his wife. Is he like his good friend, Svend Robinson? I wonder how he did that.

See the video below for the entire exchange between Bloy, MLA Claire Trevena (North Island) and John Rustad (Nechako Lakes):

See also the "apology" from MLA Bloy below:

The Globe and Mail also review the story here

As a BC Liberal supporter - even I have to condemn the words of Harry Bloy - there is no place for them in a debate over Smart Meters.  There is no justification for personalizing the debate over Smart Meters and the "so-called" apology of Harry Bloy to Adrian Dix was weak and pathetic and I certainly know he can come up with a better apology that the one that was offered by MLA Bloy.  Finally - comparing Adrian Dix to Svend Robinson is totally out of line.  In the case of former MP Robinson, he had a legitimate mental illness for which Mr. Robinson sought and received appropriate treatment and going after Mr. Dix's wife is beyond the pale.  Since then, even BC Premier Christy Clark called Bloy's comments totally inappropriate

Charlie Smith of the Straight asks: Was Harry Bloy acting alone or was he acting on orders? - read here

I hope that Harry Bloy, at some point today, finds within himself to offer a full and irrevocable apology to Svend Robinson, Adrian Dix and his wife for his "lowest of the low" commentary on Smart Meters and let us return to debating the issues of the day without resorting to 'American-style' politics where anything and anyone is fair game...


1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve,
    I found Bloy's behaviour deplorable, too. I think Dix can defend himself but, once again, we have a governing party that seems to be in perpetual attack and election mode rather than *government* mode. In this case, so-called smart meters are of concern to citizens yet this "government" won't address the issue. I worry that they're driving us into American-style hysterical attack politics which seem totally unproductive.
    Thanks for your post.
