Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New Audit Council for Auditor-General for Local Gov't

Courtesy of the Province of BC:

Editor's Note - I was surprised to see no current local government officials like Joan Sorley (Cariboo RD Area 'F' Director)

Five British Columbians have been named to the Audit Council overseeing the Auditor General for Local Government (AGLG), ensuring the independence of the office, announced Ida Chong, minister of Community, Sport and Culture.

The installation of the Audit Council is a crucial step toward establishing the autonomy of the AGLG. The Audit Council’s first task will be to make a recommendation to the minister as to who should be appointed Auditor General for Local Government.

The Audit Council will also be responsible for monitoring the performance of the AGLG by reviewing and providing comments on performance audits, annual reports and service plans. It will also disseminate information about recommendations made by the AGLG.

The council is comprised of a broad mix of professionals from different parts of British Columbia with backgrounds in accounting, law, finance, business and local government. The five members appointed today are Anthony Ariganello (chair), J. Richard Heney, Donalda MacDonald, Lisa Payne and Timothy J. Wood.

Ida Chong - Minister of Community Services says:

“The key to the AGLG’s effectiveness is its separation from government and an audit council of impartial experts ensures that independence. These five council members have an ideal balance of expertise, and I am fully confident that they will do an exemplary job both in making a recommendation and in overseeing the position.”

Frank Leonard, Mayor of Saanich & major supporter of the Auditor-General for Local Gov't also said:

“I have always supported an Auditor General for Local Government as I appreciate the importance of scrutinizing how taxpayers' dollars are spent at every level of government. The appointment of the Audit Council is a step towards helping local governments to serve taxpayers better.”
Finally - Heath Slee, UBCM President concluded with:

“The Auditor General for Local Government needs to be independent in order to be effective. The Audit Council will safeguard the independence of the new Auditor General and ensure that the office works within the capacity set out in provincial legislation.”

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