Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Provincial Political Parties Financial Reports Released

Earlier today - Elections BC released the 2011 Annual Financial Reports for the 85 Constituency Assocations representing various parties which you read here

For Cariboo-North:

* NDP (read here) - They report that they have a surplus of $9,097.50 with no current liabilities.
* BC Liberals - no report submitted to date
* BC Conservatives - no report submitted to date
* Independent Riding Assoc -  They report that they have a surplus of $4,229.84 with no current liabilities (read here & here)

For Cariboo-Chilcotin:

* NDP (read here) - They report that they have a surplus of $20,802.05 with no current liabilities

* BC Liberals - no report submitted to date 

* BC Conservatives - no report submitted to date

With the above information - Very soon, I expect, the various Riding Associations' will start to have various fundraisers to start building up their bank accounts so they have enough money to run a general election campaign in 2013

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