Monday, April 2, 2012

Rich Coleman on John van Dongen leaking caucus info

Yesterday on CKNW - Government House Leader/Energy & Mines Minister Rich Coleman hinted at the fact that he believes that former BC Liberal and now BC Conservative MLA for Abbotsford South John van Dongen had leaked information from his former caucus meetings.  MLA van Dongen has since denied in fact this occured.  See stories from CKNW here/here on this

Meanwhile - others have written on this subject including:

a) Vancouver Sun - read here
b) BC Conservative Kamloops area Director Alan Forseth - read here
c)  Political analyst / blogger Alex Tsakumis - read here

For myself - As a BC Liberal supporter, I was not entirely comfortable with Mr. Coleman making such a charge without providing sufficient information to back up what he was saying.  I truly wish that the political party that I continue to support (for the moment) would just move on with Mr. van Dongen and get back to governing the province ...

Finally - Angus-Reid has recently conducted a poll (800 people) on March 29th/30th (after John van Dongen announced he was joining the BC Conservatives) on public support for provincial political parties as follows:

BC NDP - 43% support
BC Conservatives/Liberals - 23% support

The poll also indicates strong support for the BC Conservatives in the Interior (32%) with the NDP close behind at 30% with the governing BC Liberals with 23% support

Both the Globe (read here) and Global BC (read here) are covering this story

Read the full Angus-Reid poll information here

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