Saturday, April 14, 2012

Upcoming CRD Business - April 20th

1) Interior Health to present 'Planning Principles' document to local Hospital District Board - read here

2) Board to ratify recommendation of Central Cariboo Joint Committee to spend $25,000 at the CMRC to install a temporary liquid chlorine system - read here

3) Board to ratify recommendation from Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus, of other things, to encourage WL City Council to appoint one of its' members' to the local Air Quality Roundtable & Interface Fire Committee - read here

Editor's Note - I can't recall a time when CRD Directors' have actively asked a local municipal council to appoint one of its' members to an external committee.  Curious that they felt the need to ask... usually CRD Directors let municipal councils' make appointments to local Committees' at their own pleasure

4) Area 'J' Director Roger William will ask for Board suppport to approve feasibility funds to look into supporting, with tax dollars, 'West Chilcotin Search & Rescue' - read here.

5) Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley will ask for Board support to assist the Cedar Point Park Board to install banners by use of the Area 'F' Special Projects Fund - read here

6)Tatjana Bates (Community Dietician with Interior Health) will appear before the Board to discuss community gardens and the Cariboo Growers food co-op

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