Saturday, April 21, 2012

Upcoming WL Council Business - Apr 24th mtg

WL Council, in Commitee of the Whole, will discuss the following:


1) Presentation on Local Transit - BC Transit
2) Update from local Rotary clubs


1) Wrap on Utility Cabinets - read here
2) Update on New Sign Bylaw - read here
3) Proposal re: Carriage Houses in Williams Lake - read here

Editor's Note - in my brief research, carriage houses are defined by some jurisdictions as 'secondary suites' however this will be the first time that Williams Lake City Council has dealt with the issue around Carriage Houses.  In order for this to be successful, WL City Staff are recommending that the proposed carriage house go forward with more research done to develop policy on this which includes amending the current City Zoning Bylaw and also possibly  allowing carriage homes on large lots only.  It should be noted that the City of WL  has no policy on carriage homes within the boundaries of Williams Lake

4) Update to the proposed new Communications Policy -read here.

Editor's Note - this item was last dealt with at the Apr 10th Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Mtg

5) Ratification of the Muncipal Police Agreement (RCMP) with Victoria - read here
6) New Chief Administrative Officer Performance Review Policy - read here

1 comment:

  1. There was a carriage house application before council last year for Kozuki Road. I believe it was approved but I don't know if it was ever built.
