Thursday, May 31, 2012

BC Gov't praises 2012 Spring Session...

Courtesy of BC Government:

The provincial government wrapped up the spring legislative session focused on jobs, families and open government.

Families expect us to bring forward results that will make a real difference in their lives,” said Premier Christy Clark. “Over the past several months our government has announced the first Family Day in B.C., kept hydro rates affordable, increased the minimum wage and ended AirCare. We are growing the economy, and the Six Month Jobs Update is proof our plan is working and we’re delivering results.”

Key highlights of the session include:

· A Family Day for British Columbians, as promised by Premier Christy Clark, on the second Monday of February starting in 2013.
· The Education Improvement Act, which implements a $195-million Learning Improvement Fund to provide additional support to teachers and administrators, and added resources to classrooms with the highest needs.
· Legislation that will ensure people who cheat Metro Vancouver’s transit system will face serious consequences.
· Increasing the minimum wage, a key commitment of Premier Christy Clark, meaning B.C. now has Canada’s second-highest minimum wage – which is great news for employees.
· Ending AirCare for light vehicles, increasing affordability for families while looking for new ways to improve air quality.
· Expanding the AMBER Alert system that will see 30,000 civil servants receive alerts at work and on their mobile devices, helping police return children to their families faster.
· Six Month BC Jobs Update: 59,700 net new jobs added to the B.C. economy.
· Completed the second Asian Trade Mission, strengthening and expanding trade with Japan, Korea and the Philippines to attract investment and create jobs for B.C. families.
· The Income Tax Amendment Act, which establishes the B.C. First-Time New Home Buyers’ $10,000 Bonus and the B.C. Seniors’ $1,000 annual Home Renovation Tax Credit for those 65 years of age and older.

“We have gotten a lot done and we plan to keep working hard over the summer and into the fall, bringing new ideas forward that will place an even stronger emphasis on families, provide new ways for people to engage with their government and ensure we create more jobs and economic prosperity for B.C.,” Premier Clark added.

Bills passed include:

School Amendment Act. The act provides school districts with the opportunity to offer more flexible school calendar options to better meet the needs of students and B.C. families.

Coastal Ferry Amendment Act. British Columbia’s world-class ferry system is integral to the way of life for many British Columbians. The act responds to recommendations by the BC Ferry Commissioner with a three-pronged approach that balances the interests of ferry users, taxpayers and the ferry operator.

South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Act. Through changes to the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Act, the Province is giving new powers to TransLink to go after people who steal transit rides.

Criminal Asset Management Act. Enables prosecutors to pursue criminal forfeiture more frequently by establishing a way to manage assets restrained, seized or forfeited under the Criminal Code and other criminal law statutes.

HST Transition rules legislation. Measures include increasing the B.C. new housing rebate threshold to $850,000 for a maximum rebate of $42,500 and a new grant of up to $42,500 for purchasers of new secondary vacation or recreational homes up to $850,000 outside the Greater Vancouver and Capital regional districts.

Provincial Sales Tax Act. This act meets government’s commitment to return to the Provincial Sales Tax on April 1, 2013. As committed, the PST is being re-implemented with all permanent exemptions but also with some common-sense improvements that will make administration of the sales tax easier for businesses.

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