Monday, May 28, 2012

Busy Race in Cariboo-Chilcotin

This past weekend - BC First Party Interim President Gary Young declared his candidacy for the provincial riding of Cariboo-Chilcotin in next year's provincial election.  He'll run as an Independent.  Read more here

Besides Mr. Young - Charlie Wyse of the BC NDP and current Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett (BC Liberals) are declared candidates which leaves the question if or even when the BC Conservatives' step forward with their candidate for Cariboo-Chilcotin.  Should this happen - it'll be interesting to observe what a 4 person race in Cariboo-Chilcotin looks like.  Unlike 2009 when it was a horse race between Barnett/Wyse, any of the, up to, 4 candidates could secure a mandate from the voters' in Cariboo-Chilcotin next May...

Meanwhile - I think a 4 way race for Cariboo-North is also very likely with Bob Simpson seeking another term and candidates from the BC Liberals, BC NDP and BC Conservatives equally as likely...

Stay tuned - provincial politics is going to get hotter from here on in...

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