Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Touchy Debate re: Change to North Cariboo Rec Function Boundary

On May 17th - I observed that the Cariboo Regional District would be consulting with residents' in Areas A, B, C and I to look at changing the boundary of the North Cariboo Park/Recreation Function.  Read that blog post here

Yesterday - I received the following comment:

Is it a coincidence that the purposed Multi-Centre is in dire need for funds at the same time tha the boundaries are purposed to be extended? I doubt that! I say; leave us out of it. I will gladly pay for services, if I want to use them, rather than be taxed more.

Meanwhile - I notified Cariboo Regional District Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren of this comment and she has asked me to pass along the following:

Please encourage people to email me (& all of the Northern Directors) any comments received re: the proposed expansion of the North Cariboo Rec. & Parks Taxation body. I will ensure that they are forwarded onto the CRD for compilation

To reach the CRD North Cariboo Directors' on this matter:

In Area 'A' - you can reach Director Armstrong via email here
In Area 'B' - you can reach Director Dixon-Warren via email here
In Area 'C' - you can reach Director Massier via email here
In Area 'I' - you can reach Director Glassford via email here

Meanwhile - Director Dixon-Warren sent out the following yesterday (Tuesday) evening:

Greetings to all Area B Residents.

2 Open Houses have now been held in Area B on the proposed expansion of the North Cariboo Recreation & Parks Taxation Boundary. The 1st was held at Bouchie Lake Hall on Thursday, May 24th and the 2nd at Parkland Community Centre on Monday, May 28th.

I have now updated my BLOG ( to include a post on the meetings held in Area B. This post includes a summary of the North Cariboo Recreation & Parks taxation function in addition to the concerns and comments brought forth at the meetings.

I encourage all interested residents to read my blog and /or attend one of the 2 upcoming meetings:

Wednesday, May 30th, 5-8 pm – Barlow Creek Hall
Tuesday, June 5th, 5-8 pm – West Fraser Fire Hall

Should you wish to submit a letter on the proposed expansion outlining any comments, concerns, questions, and /or general thoughts, please email me at with cc to I will ensure that any emails received are forwarded onto the other 3 Northern Directors, Directors Armstrong, Massier, and Glassford.

Thank you so much.

Finally - I read Director Dixon-Warren's blog post and noted some comments like:

a) we don't like paying for something they did not have a chance to vote on (e.g. multi-centre)

b) taxes are already too high for the services received;

c) the proposed multi-centre is detrimental to our rural areas; the multi-centre pre tax ($300,000 for 2012) is unfair as people are paying tax on something that may never come;

It seems the whole issue over the 2008 Vote for the proposed North Cariboo Multicentre is still hitting a sore spot for some North Cariboo rural residents and I wonder if these comments will part of that mindsight, if the need for a re-vote be necessary in November of 2013....


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