Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WL Council Highlights - May 8th meeting


Mayor Cook and Councillors’ I. Bonnell, D. Hughes, SPS Rathor, L. Walters and S. Zacharias


Councillor Geoff Bourdon

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Geoff Goodall – GM of Planning and Operations
Rena Schill – Corporate Services Records Management Coordinator
Tom Chung – IT Manager
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Cindy Walters – Planning Clerk

Meeting called to order at 6:03pm
Minutes of April 3rd, 2012 WL Council meeting approved


1) Presentation from “Kids running for Kids” to fundraise for BC Children’s Hospital
2) Presentation from Grade 7 Mountview students regarding new Downtown Recycling Ring Program
3) Presentation of ‘Community Spirit Certificate’ re: Williams Lake Seniors Village (Retirement Concepts) & Cataline Elementary for their 'Intergenerational Project


1) Council received a report from its’ CAO regarding the establishment of a Executive Committee by the Mayor
2) Council deferred consideration/adoption of the 2011 Audited Financial Statements until its’ May 22nd meeting
3) Council deferred consideration of receiving a report from the City CAO regarding financial impact of recently announced increases to RCMP member salaries in relation to the approval and execution of the 2012-2032 Municipal Unit Policing Agreement until its’ May 22nd meeting. Council also asked representatives from the provincial Ministry of Justice to appear at that meeting re: the 2012-32 Municipal Unit Policing Agreement. Councillors Laurie Walters/Sue Zacharias registered no votes
4) Council authorized entering into an agreement with Compassionate Care Funerals for the operation of the Five Rivers Crematorium for a three-year term commencing June 1, 2012, with the option for a further three-year renewal after the initial term, and the Mayor and Corporate Officer were authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City of Williams Lake
5) Council approved the 2012/13 Annual Operating Agreement with BC Transit and the Lakers Go Bus Society and the Mayor and Corporate Officer were authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City.
6) Council gave three readings to Sign Bylaw #2153, 2012 – Councillor Danica Hughes was opposed
7) Council approved the Agreement between the City of Williams Lake and the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) for the disposal of sanitary sewer from the Williams Lake Regional Airport to the CRD's Pine Valley Sewage Collection Treatment System at a cost of $5,335 per year for a five-year term, effective January 1, 2012, and the Mayor and Corporate Officer were authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City.
8) Council deferred to its’ May 22nd meeting amendments to the City Vehicle Policy
9) Council directed Staff to initiate dialogue with the owner of Town Taxi to encourage the company to purchase a wheelchair accessible vehicle in a timely fashion and reactivate their Wheelchair Accessible Taxi License with the Passenger Transportation Board. Staff were also asked to bring forward another report on options should Town Taxi refuse to acquire a wheelchair accessible vehicle
10) Council directed Staff to develop and distribute a survey to the Woodland Drive property owners to assist in better understanding the scope of water and sewer issues on Woodland Drive and to gauge the level of interest in establishing a Local Service Area for water and sewer services.

Editor’s Note – not sure how expressing disappointment that more Woodland Drive residents’ did not attend the April community meeeting for Woodland Dr water services by Councillors Zacharias/Rathor is good governance. Looks like an attack to me…. Let’s concentrate on moving forward and not smear those who have, quite frankly, perfectly legitimate reasons why individuals could not make that meeting

11) Council gave two readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2160, 2012 (Carriage House – 207 Renner Rd)
12) Council approved the closure plan for the Fire Lane at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex as contained therein – Councillor Walters registered a no vote
13) Council granted the Williams Lake Saturday Market Association permission to use Herb Gardner Park for the 2012 season for the Oliver Street Market as requested; and further, that all future requests for the booking of Herb Gardner Park by the Saturday Market Association be dealt with through normal park booking procedures
14) Council adopted 4 Central Cariboo Joint Committee recommendations as follows:

a) a sub-committee be formed consisting of the Chair of the Community Services Committee, Director Sorley, a representative from the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture (CCAC) Society, as well as appropriate Staff from the City of Williams Lake and the Cariboo Regional District; and further, that this Committee work on the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Function business plan goal to review the process and structure for the Fee for Service contribution agreements contained within the Function's financial plan, with an effort to integrate them with the existing CCAC Society grant program.
b) the Cap and Gown Ceremony and Dry Grad Event be considered as separate events; and further, that the Cap and Gown Ceremony be addressed in the Joint Use Agreement and the Dry Grad Event be addressed in the Cariboo Regional District's Fees and Charges Bylaw, with a limit set for a three-day rental of the facility, and, should the loss of revenue from these events result in a year-end operating budget deficit for the facility, that compensation to the City of Williams Lake for the management of the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex be adjusted accordingly.
c) the draft Joint Use Agreement be supported in principle, including direction that the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex absorb direct costs for removal of the arena glass and providing a lift for the Cap and Gown graduation ceremonies; and further, that upon agreement of the School District to the amendments, the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the Agreement.
d) Receipt of the 2011 Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex Financial Summary4

15) 2 Bylaws were adopted as follows:

a) Bylaw No. 2154, 2012 (Williams Lake North End Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption)
b) Bylaw No. 2158, 2012 (Williams Lake Property Tax Rates for 2012) – Councillors Rathor and Bonnell opposed

16) Council adopted 4 Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:

a) Council approved the Cabinet Wrap Initiative and advise staff to seek formal partnership with the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society Board for this initiative; and further, that Councillor Walters, Councillor Bourdon and Councillor Zacharias become members of the adjudication committee for the selection of submissions to be wrapped around City owned Utility Cabinets in July of 2012
b) Council rescinded Social Media Policy No. 205 and approved the revisions to Communications Policy No. 199.
c) Council approved the CAO Performance Evaluation Administrative Policy
d) Letters of congratulations be sent to the Williams Lake Indian Band and Gold Fields Horsefly Exploration Corporation regarding the Protocol Agreement they recently signed

17) Council gave approval of the 2012 Graduation Parade on June 9, 2012 between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm
18) Council received a letter from the Hon. Ida Chong (Minister of Community Services) regarding the Pedestrian Underpass of CN Rail to River Valley Trail Project. A Letter of appreciation will be sent on behalf of Council.
19) Council will set up a meeting with Interior Health re: Charting the Course" - Interior Health's Planning Principles and Considerations for Change Document
20) Council endorsed all recommendations contained in the April 25th Central Cariboo Joint Committee minutes
21) Council issued 3 proclamations as follows:

a) Hospice Palliative Care Awareness Month - May 2012
b) Hearing & Speech Month - May 2012
c) Intergenerational Day" - June 2, 2012

22) Late Item – Council directed Staff to make application to move the Innovations Fund Overall Stormwater Management Project grant from Phase 3 to Phase 5 and Council commit to funding any excess beyond the grant amount and Staff were authorized to submit a new Phase 3 application before May 30th

23) Council received the May 8th “Council Information Package” as follows:

March 15, 2012 - Williams Lake Stampede Association Directors Meeting Minutes;
April 12, 2012 - Letter from City of Quesnel to Honourable Steve Thomson re Purden Lake Connector Route;
April 13, 2012 - Telus News Release re Investing $4.5 Million in Williams Lake in 2012;
April 17, 2012 - Letter from Premier Clark re Receipt of the City's Letter Requesting a UBCM Executive on the 'Expert Panel';
April 20, 2012 - Cariboo Regional District Board Highlights;
April 25, 2012 - Letter from Kevin Falcon, Minister and Deputy Premier re 'Expert Panel' Review of Business Taxation and the Municipal Revenue Sources Review;
April 27, 2012 - Letter from West Fraser Timber Co. re Burns Lake Fire and Priority of Mitigating Risks & Hazards at their Mills.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm and Council resumed their recessed In-Camera meeting after a 5 minute break

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