Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cariboo RD releases 2011 Statement of Fin Info.

As required by provincial law - the Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors', at its' June 14th meeting, will formally receive the 2011 Statement of Financial Information or SOFI Report which details debt levels of the Cariboo Regional District and those of the 4 municipalities (Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile House) as well as what each of the 16 Cariboo Regional District Directors' earned in 2011.  Read the full 2011 SOFI Report here

Directors' Pay:

As we saw in the 2010 SOFI Report, the top 3 earners were:

a) CRD Vice Chair/Area 'A' Director Ted Armstrong - $43,957.67 ($27,705.56 in base pay, car allowance of $1,440.00 and expenses of $14,811.91)

b) CRD Chair/Area 'G' Director Al Richmond - $43,172.17 ($29,891.76 in base pay, car allowance of $1,440.00 and expenses of $11,840.41)

c) CCRHD (Local Hospital District) Chair/Area 'C' Director John Massier - $35,308.26 ($19,793.04 in base pay, car allowance of $1,440.00 and expenses of $14,075.22)

Status of Long-Term Debt -- December 31st, 2011:

Cariboo Regional District - $6,458,509

District of Wells - $56,310

City of Quesnel - $8,839,258

City of Williams Lake - $16,643,420

District of 100 Mile House - $2,283,587

Editor's Note - later today (Saturday), I'll be discussing the long term debt of Williams Lake and the possible upgrades to the Sam Ketchum Pool/CMRC and how both are interlinked, insofar as other infrastructure projects in Williams Lake and taxpayers' abilities to foot both of those...

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