Wednesday, June 6, 2012

City of WL CAO takes 60 day leave

As covered by the Rush here  - Brian Carruthers is off on a 60 day leave and is slated to return to his post as the City of Williams Lake CAO August 1st (I should clarify that, contrary to the Rush story on this subject, that Brian Carruthers' leave is just that -- leave and is not a leave of absence, according to Ken MacInnis, City of WL Communications Coordinator)

As announced at last night's WL City Council Meeting - Geoff Goodall, the City's General Manager of Planning and Operations, is now Acting CAO until Mr. Carruthers' return in August.

I profess that it is unusual to see this occur, given that the City of WL & IUOE are just entering into negotiations for a new collective agreement (current one expires June 30th) and typically the CAO would be the "agent" between Council and the negotations... but the negotations will simply just have to occur in Mr. Carruthers' absence... but it is fair to say that Geoff Goodall will have a busy plate of work between these negotiations and the major capital works for the broken storm water pipe that is currently ongoing with slated completion by November of this year...


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