Monday, June 11, 2012

Exhaustive Report Stage on Bill C-38

Starting today at 9am BC Time or Noon Ottawa - House of Commons Speaker Andrew Scheer will rule on the 871 amendments to Bill C-38 and decide which ones can be proposed, which ones can not and how they are to be grouped for discussion/voting

The Globe and Mail looks at this issue here

See below for a CBC video outlining the week ahead on Bill C-38 (2012 Budget Implementation) below:

My own prediction is that MP's better get ready for a lot of long nights as I think Mr. Speaker Scheer will allow a large number of Green Party amendments, given they don't have any right to sit on House of Commons Committees, in contrast to their Liberal and NDP colleagues.  As well - I expect many of the proposed amendments proposed by the NDP/Liberals to be severally limited, given they could have proposed similar amendments when Bill C-38 was at the Commons' Finance Committee

Finally - some interesting stats from the Globe and Mail:

6.8: The average number of votes per hour during so-called standing votes, when MPs are called by name.

14.7: The number of hours it would take MPs to vote on 100 amendments

128: The number of hours it would take MPs to get through 871 amendments should the Speaker allow individual votes for each one

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