Wednesday, June 13, 2012

PG Council makes available detailed expense accounts

At their last meeting - Prince George City Council decided, with Councillor Albert Koehler opposed, to make available, to the public, the detailed expense accounts of all members of Prince George City Council.  Read the story from the PG Free Press here

Meanwhile - PG Free Press Editor Bill Phillips criticizes PG City Councillor Cameron Stolz for voting for Vancouver City Councillor Raymond Louie for the position of 3rd Vice President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, rather than for his colleague (PG City) Councillor Garth Frizzell.  I, for one, agree with Mr. Phillips that Stolz's actions should be called into question... and I look forward to Councillor Frizzell continuing to speak his mind at PG City Council meetings, regardless of how his opinions are received...

Read Mr. Phillips well-written (and well deserved on Stolz's part) editorial here

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