Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Quesnel Council Highlights - June 25th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

City to address Timber Committee

The City will appear before the provincial government's Special Committee on Timber Supply. This all-party Special Committee is tasked with examining and making recommendations about the mid-term timber supply. As the City of Quesnel is dependent on the forest industry for employment and tax base, significant changes to the forest industry have a significant effect on the community. Some 62% of municipal taxation comes from the major forest industry, which is the economic backbone of Quesnel through direct employment, suppliers and associated spin-off employment. Staff presented a number of topics for Council to consider, including: community sustainability; forest sustainability; updated timber inventories; silviculture investment; and ongoing community engagement. Council added topics to the list including: land-use planning; stakeholder cost reductions; community control regarding planning; and supporting the province to secure continued delivery of the promised $1 billion in pine beetle funding from the federal government. Staff will take this information and prepare a written and oral submission to be presented to the Committee on July 6 at 8 a.m. at the Seniors' Centre.

Annual Report adopted

Council officially adopted the City's 2011 Annual Report. The document provides the City's financial statements, strategic priorities for the coming year and an update on the past year's activities. The document may be viewed in hard copy at City Hall or at www.quesnel.ca (click the "Annual Report" link on the right side of the page).

Finance statement presented

Council received the annual Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) report, a requirement of the Community Charter. The report lists items such as Council and employee pay, expenses and contracts. The total amount paid to Mayor and Council in remuneration in 2011 was $126,552, up from $124,536 in 2010. Council's SOFI expenses in 2011 were $18,932, down from $25,313 in 2010. All City employees earning more than $75,000 are also listed in the report, as is a list of suppliers who received more than $25,000 for goods and services.

Other News

-Council gave first and second readings to amend the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws to rezone a property at 392 Johnston Ave. to Highway Commercial. The site contains two residential buildings, a duplex, five cabins, two mobile office trailers and a number of shipping container units. Following the zoning amendment the site would be used for mini-storage only and will include an accessory residential unit for a caretaker. Additional shipping containers will be added for storage, and a 15-bay covered RV and boat storage unit will be added at the rear of the property. A public hearing date was set for July 16 at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers.

-Council nominated Mayor Mary Sjostrom for the position of president at the Union of British Columbia Municipalities. Sjostrom has been an active participant on the UBCM Board over the past eight years.

-Council provided official recognition of the newly revived Uplands Neighbourhood Association, and thanked those involved for taking an active interest in their neighbourhood.

Special Council Meeting - June 18
-Council approved contributing $26,000 from its Council projects account towards the Correlieu Community track project. The project, which involves rubberizing the track, costs $77,500. The confirmed funds available were $51,650, so Council agreed to provide the rest to allow the project to proceed. It is hoped that the cost to the City can be recovered through other grants already applied for and other potential funding partners.

Important Dates

July 1 - Canada Day

Next Regular Council Meeting: Monday July 16, 7 p.m.
Next Delegation/Committee of the Whole Meeting: Monday August 27, 7 p.m.
Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting: Tuesday September 11, 5:30 p.m.

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