Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Victoria offers 'False Hope'...

Yesterday - Ben Parfitt of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives suggested in a Vancouver Province guest editorial that Victoria is offering 'false hope' to BC'ers in Rural BC by suggesting that logging in 'sensitive areas' or 'parks' like Tweedsmuir Park will help with the local forestry industry

My own view - if a 'retool and re-think' of the local forest industry is necessary - let's have that conversation now so the transition can be done slowly over time, rather than kicking the conversation later 'down the road' when the transition might have to be done more agressively and could be painful for Rural BC communities (similiar to the shift in thinking that  places like Greece are now forced to go through).  This was one of the reasons why the Cariboo-Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition (BAC) and the other two BAC's in BC were created in the first place - to deversify the local forestry economy and to get every value from every log in the Cariboo-Chilcotin and indeed in Rural BC

Read Mr. Parfitt's guest editorial here

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