Friday, July 13, 2012

CRD Board Highlights - July 13th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Funding for Kersley Community Association

Up to $7,000 of Community Works Funding was approved by the CRD Board for the Kersley Community Association. Funds will be used for the installation of a new 12 gallon electric water tank, replacing the 40 gallon gas-fired water tank, in the Kersley Arts Building. A new high-efficiency furnace will also be installed in the tractor room of the Kersley Arena.

UBCM Board of Directors

The Regional District agreed to nominate CRD Chair Al Richmond for the position of Third Vice-President on the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) 2012/2013 Executive. Elections will be held during the 2012 UBCM Convention in September. Having representation on the UBCM Executive ensures that the Cariboo Chilcotin has a provincial voice. This organization has served and represented the interests of local governments in BC since 1905.

Anahim Lake Airport Update

The Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors and staff received an update about major improvements in progress at the Anahim Lake Airport. Grant funding was obtained by the CRD from the Province’s Towns for Tomorrow Program and the Northern Development Initiative Trust. The funding will be used for an extension of the runway and construction of a 1,200 square foot terminal building. Paving is scheduled to take place from July 17-20, 2012. Completion of the terminal building is slated for 2013.

CRD Supports Nina Lake (Cedar Creek) Dam

The Cariboo Regional District will be sending a letter to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations in support of the Likely Chamber of Commerce’s opposition to the proposed decommissioning of the Nina Lake (Cedar Creek) Dam if no one is willing to take liability for its maintenance. In 2011, the province classified this dam as “Very High Consequence”, meaning that a failure of this structure would risk damage or destruction of infrastructure and property, and could pose high risk to public safety. During the course of this study, the Ministry concluded to divest itself of the liabilities associated with the Nina Lake Dam structure and indicated there was no justification to retain responsibility for it.

Interior Health Update

Allison Ruault, Acute Health Service Administrator, Todd Mastel, Finance Liaison and Deb Runge, Acting Health Service Administrator from Interior Health presented an update to the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) Board. Information included an update on issues relating to Interior Health in the central Cariboo such as the staffing levels in the labs in 100 Mile House and Williams Lake, recruitment of medical technicians, nursing recruitment and the Diabetes Collaborative project. Further information about Interior Health is available online at

Investment Readiness Continuum

During the CRD’s Special Board Meeting of June 27, Dean McKinley from the Northern Development Initiative Trust presented information about the new Invest Northwest web portal. The portal is designed to help promote investment and development to communities and regions throughout northern British Columbia. It will help promote service offerings from established industries and increase the overall economic development within the region. Further information is available online at or

CTO Funding for Central Cariboo Projects

The Regional District’s application to the Community Tourism Opportunities (CTO) grant program in the amount of $23,000 has been approved. On behalf of the McLeese Lake Recreation Society and the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society, the CRD submitted the application to the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation for funding to install wheelchair accessible wilderness trail kiosks and a visitor information kiosk at McLeese Lake as well as an Arts and Culture Route in the central Cariboo.

MLA Update – Cariboo North

Bob Simpson, MLA from Cariboo North provided the CRD Board with an update about some of the current projects underway within the riding. MLA Simpson thanked the Regional District and municipalities for their presentation to the Timber Supply Committee and gave an overview of the highlights of the series of meetings that took place. Seniors and health care issues continue to be the predominant issues facing his office. He also spoke about the environmental reviews of the proposed Prosperity Mine and Spanish Mountain Gold Mine.

Next CRD Board Meeting – Friday, August 24, 2012

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