Monday, July 23, 2012

Lingering Effects from Chlorine Leak in Feb 2012

From the Rush:

Close to 5 months after the chlorine leak at the swimming pool in Williams Lake, at least one person is still feeling it's after effects.

Marilyn Haines coaches the Williams Lake Blue Fins, and was on site when it took place. She says she started feeling the effects of the leak immediately and says the symptoms have persisted to this day.

It’s been a long haul since then, I’m still having to use puffers, I’m still very affected by environmental factors that I never would have been before. If there’s smoke in the sky I’ve got to be very careful about staying indoors, even things like weed eating and mowing can set me back a few days.”, (says Haines)

Haines says without naming names, there are kids and adults from the Quesnel swim club that are still having physical problems with breathing.

Haines says what's even more frustrating is that no one from the City (of Williams Lake) has bothered to apologize for what happened.

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