Saturday, July 21, 2012

MiningWatch seeks 'Interested Party' status...

As a result of the new CEAA (Canadian Environmental Assessment Act) Act - MiningWatch has tabled a motion before the Federal Review Panel for the 'New Prosperity' mine proposal asking that it be designated as an "interested party" in the Federal Review Panel's proceedings

Under Section 2(2) of the CEAA Act:

One of the following entities determines, with respect to a designated project, that a
person is an interested party if, in its opinion, the person is directly affected by the carrying out of the designated project or if, it its opinion, the person has relevant information or expertise

(a) ....

(b) in the case of a designated project in relation to which the environmental
assessment has been referred to a review panel under section 38, that review

Read the letter from MiningWatch's legal counsel here

Meanwhile, Canoe Creek expressed concern earlier this month regarding the Site Visit by the Federal Review Panel.  Read Canoe Creek's letter to the Federal Review Panel here  and here with the response by the Panel here

Finally - food for thought: I wonder how many people will get to express their views on 'New Prosperity' given the restriction on who may or may not get to have their say in front of the Federal Review Panel, in accordance with Section 2(2) of the CEAA Act

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