Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Quesnel Council Highlights - July 16th meeting

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Council passes censure motion (Number 3)

Quesnel City Council passed a motion of censure (No. 3) of Coun. Sushil Thapar citing a number of concerns, including respectful communication and how confidential information is released.

Council also placed a number of sanctions on Coun. Thapar, including that he be:

-Removed from any appointments or liaisons to Committees.
-Removed from the rotation as Acting Mayor and Chair of Committee of the Whole -Required to seek Council's approval before representing the City at any function or traveling out-of-town on behalf of the City.
Council directed that the issue of a Councillor breaking his oath on more than one occasion and not maintaining a standard of conduct expected of an elected official be referred to the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. Council invited Coun. Thapar to discuss the ongoing issues in an attempt to move towards a solution.

City to apply to infrastructure fund

The City will apply to the new Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF) in Western Canada. Western Economic Diversification Canada announced July 5 that it will invest more than $46 million over the next two years. The CIIF supports reinvestment in existing community infrastructure and can provide up to $250,000 in funding.  The City would be required to match any funding received.  The project(s) needs to be completed by March of 2014

Council opted to apply for two projects. The first is for a trail rehabilitation project for the current trail system including: asphalt; signage (both kiosks and information boards); upgrades to the artifacts on the trail; investigation of future trail expansion to the Two and Three Mile Flat areas. It is likely that gas tax funds could be used for the City's portion of matching funds.

Council also opted to submit a second application for the North Cariboo Multi-Centre. While this project does not fit the criteria of the funding program (new infrastructure construction or signification expansion of existing infrastructure), Council indicated it is important to reinforce to the federal government the importance of this project to the community.

Other News

- Council authorized the City entering a five-year lease with ABC Allen Business Communications Ltd. for 111.48m2 of land located at Sugarloaf Park. ABC currently uses 55.74m2 for its telecommunications equipment and has been doing so since 2001. The new lease will generate approximately $3,000 per year for the City with an annual Consumer Price Index increase built into the agreement.

- Council will submit a resolution to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities concerning the proposed privatization of the BC Liquor Distribution Branch. Darryl Walker, president of the BCGEU wrote a letter to Council asking for their support and for a moratorium on any decisions until a formal means for public discussion is established.

Important Dates

July 19 - 22 - Billy Barker Days
July 19 at 5 p.m. - Ten Percent Shift Presentation from CUPE - Quesnel Seniors' Centre
July 23 at 9:30 a.m. - Community Workshop: The Intergenerational effects of residential schools and the use of Gladue in Quesnel - North Cariboo Metis Society
August 3 - 6 - ArtsWells Festival of All Things Art
August 4 - 5 - SkyFest 2012
August 15 - Tourism Awareness Day at the Visitor Centre

Next Regular Council Meeting: Monday July 30 at 7 p.m.
Next Delegation/Committee of the Whole Meeting: Monday August 27 at 7:00pm
Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting: Tuesday September 11 at 5:30 p.m.

All above meetings held in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant Street)


September 9 - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day
October - Foster Family Appreciation Month

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