Friday, July 13, 2012

Thapar censured for a third time...

In the ongoing saga between Quesnel Councillor Sushil Thapar and the rest of his Quesnel Council colleagues - Quesnel Council's Executive Committee consisting of Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom and Councillors Ed Coleman & L-A Roodenburg in a report to Quesnel Council dated July 11th will recommend the following sanctions against Councillor Thapar at Quesnel Council's Monday meeting:

1) Censure Councillor Thapar for a unprecedented 3rd time in relation to his most recent comments involving recently dismissed Human Resource Advisor Muriel Wild

2) Removal of Councillor Thapar from all appointments and liaisons to Committees
3) Removal of Councillor Thapar from Acting Mayor rotation/Chair of Committee of the Whole
4) Requirement of Councillor Thapar to seek approval from Quesnel Council for any trip out of Quesnel representing the City officially or at any event


5) Refer the issue of Councillor Thapar breaking his oath on more than one occasion and not maintaining a standard of conduct expected of an elected official to the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development.

Quesnel Council will also call for an In-Camera meeting between itself and Councillor Thapar to discuss his future role with the current Quesnel Municipal Council

My review of the above:

1) This is well deserved on Thapar's part.  He should know, by now, that there are statutory requirements relating to not discussing labour matters in public, especially when they are still In-Camera

Items 2,3, 4 - Self explanatory

Item 5 - I wonder if the Ministry will choose to get involved given the narrow class of requirements to disqualify an local elected official from holding office

Final Analysis:

The above 5 sanctions against Councillor Thapar will be approved by a 6-1 vote.  Also - don't hold your breath on Councillor Thapar attending that In-Camera meeting to discuss his future role with his Quesnel Council colleagues

Read the full report here

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