Thursday, July 12, 2012

School Community Connections Program

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

For the 2012-13 school year, a total of $800,000 will be available through the School Community Connections (SCC) program for projects that expand the use of K-12 school space, including upgrades to Neighbourhood Learning Centres, Education Minister George Abbott announced today.

The goal of the SCC program is to actively encourage boards of education and local governments to work with community partners to increase the use of schools to provide community services. During this round of funding, school districts, in partnership with local governments, can submit applications for one or more projects – totalling no more than $12,500. Projects can include, but are not limited to:

· Co-location of community organizations, offices, services or other activities.
· Space for early learning, child care or after-school care programs and family resource centres.
· Community kitchens or gardens.
· Space for intergenerational programs or services for seniors.
· Installation and/or renovation of doors, locks and entry systems that allow greater community access to school facilities.
· Upgrades or renovations to school athletic fields, recreational facilities and/or playgrounds to increase use by sports organizations and the community at large.

Launched in 2005, through a one-time $10-million grant from the Ministry of Education, the SCC program is managed jointly by the Union of BC Municipalities and the BC School Trustees Association. The 2012-13 school year is the final year of the SCC program.

Hon. George Abbott, BC Minister of Education says –

“The SCC program supports greater use of school facilities and Neighbourhood Learning Centres for the benefit of students and families in communities throughout British Columbia. SCC has successfully achieved its goal of bringing schools and the communities they serve closer together and the legacy of the fund will continue for years to come.”

Quick Facts:

· To date, 363 completed projects have received funding through the School Community Connections Program.
· Fifty-nine school districts and their communities have benefited from SCC funding since 2005.
· Neighbourhood Learning Centres are places where people of all ages can access education, community services, recreation and culture.

Learn More:

School Community Connections Program:
Neighbourhood Learning Centres:
BC’s Education Plan:

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