Tuesday, July 3, 2012

WL Council Business - July 3rd meeting

Your Williams Lake City Council will meet tonight to consider the following items:

(Editor's Note - Full Agenda here

1) Council to seek Victoria's permission to write off property taxes for 3 properties in the City - read here

2) At the June 19th "In-Camera Meeting", Geoff Goodall (Acting CAO) reported to Council that the Auditor for the City of Williams Lake wished to bring to Council's attention seven items.  Staff are recommending that the Auditor present these items in an addendum to the 2011 Audited Financial Statements, at which point, Staff can advise Council as to how to address the items of concern.  Read Mr. Goodall's "IN-Camera" report here.  Curious that this item is being presented without the City's CAO present.  Also curious that this is being brought forward "after" the approved 2011 Audited Financial Statements and not at the time the Audited Financial Statements were brought forward for approval by WL City Council...

The items that the Auditor (PMT Accounting) are concerned with:

a) Sign-off of CAO Travel Claim by Director of Finance.  Auditor recommends sign off to be done by Chair of General Governance Committee (presently Councillor Geoff Bourdon).  The present practice could be seen as a problem as Director of Finance is signing off on her boss claim and this practice could be open to issues, given Director of Finance reports directly to her boss, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)

b) Soliciting gifts from vendors.  Auditors' recommend this discontinue immediately.  Myself - I'm surprised this is an issue.  Council itself has rules, as per the Community Charter, around how gifts are to be received and how to report.  Perhaps rules need to be brought in for Staff as well

c) Handling of Staff complaints, whistle blower policy or something else - again, surprised there is nothing on the books.  I'm sure Council will want to get on this right away.  Surrey Mayor brought in a "whistle blower" policy as part of her 2008 Election Campaign

d) Practice with regards to documenting the yearly contractor application process - again, without knowing background, I'm sure it's just a thing of reminding Staff about doing the paperwork required...

e) Informing Staff and Mayor and Council re: existing corporate policy - again, no brainer. This is usually done at beginning of new term or when new hires are brought in...

f) Audit process - it will be interesting to see why the Auditor has raised this as a concern....

g) Mail for Council - from what I've been told, there is historical precedent for this going back to former Williams Lake Mayor Ray Woods where he didn't bring a letter to Council's attention when it was address to him as Mayor of Williams Lake and had implications for all of Council. Perhaps a good written policy around how mail addressed to the Mayor should be brought to attention of Council...

3) Mobile Vendor Pilot Program - read here.  Pleased to see this and I'm sure it'll be a success story for the downtown area

4) BIA asks for permission to have chuckwagon concession on its' site.  Read here.  Staff recommend their request be approved

5) 2 family home re-zoning application by Stampeder Hotel - read here
6) WL Council appoints Mayor to speak to Special Timber Review Committee on Thursday - read here
7) Electronic Signatures on City Cheques for amounts of $2,000 or less - read here.  Councillor Rathor informs me that he will vigorously oppose this item tonight at Council as he feels that this will take away accountability for all cheques issued by the City, regardless of the amount

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