Tuesday, July 17, 2012

WL Council Highlights - July 17th mtg

Present: Acting Mayor I. Bonnell and Councillors Bourdon, Hughes, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Absent: Mayor Kerry Cook

Staff Present:

Geoff Goodall - Acting CAO/GM of Planning and Operations
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Pat Higgins - Director of Finance
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Lilliana Dragowska - Planner
Anne Burrill - Manager of Social Development
Ken MacInnis - Communications Coordinator

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Meeting agenda approved & minutes of the July 3rd meeting were also approved


1) Allison Ruault from Interior Health appeared before Council to discuss Interior Health's activities in the Williams Lake area

2) RCMP Inspector Warren Brown appeared before Council to discuss local RCMP activities.  In addition, the City's Safer Communities Coordinator (D. Dickson) appeared before Council to discuss Community Policing activities


1) Council received for information the July 5th/12th Accounts Payable Cheque Listings for information
2)Council approved travel and associated expenses for Councillor Bourdon to attend the 39th Annual Billy Barker Days Festival on July 21st in Quesnel
3) Council received the 2012 Second Quarter Economic Indicators Report for information
4) Council received for information a report from its' Director of Finance concerning the UBCM presentation to the Expert Panel on Business Taxation
5) Council received for information a report from its' Director of Finance concerning the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) 2012 Municipal Property Tax Rankings
6) Council authorized City Staff to contract Genivar Engineering to complete a Topographical Survey for the Williams Lake Regional Airport at a cost of $5,700, excluding applicable taxes
7) Council authorized City Staff to complete the installation of the ten selected Cabinet Wraps and distribute thank you letters on behalf of Council to all those who applied for this year's Cabinet Wrap Initiative pilot project and honorariums to those whose pictures were chosen
8) Council awarded the contract for the supply and installation of a complete mechanical HVAC system for City Hall to Horizon Climate Control for the tendered price of $227,500, excluding applicable taxes
9) Council approved the installation of the fine particulate and total suspended particulate monitoring station at the Fire Hall by the Ministry of Environment and the Corporate Officer (Cindy Bouchard) was authorized to sign the memorandum of understanding on behalf of the City
10) Council received a report of its' Senior Bylaw Officer concerning an update on the Remedial Action work at the former Slumber Lodge (27 7th Ave South) and Staff were directed to notify the owner of 27 Seventh Avenue South of compliance with the order and appreciation for their cooperation.
11) Council approved the holding of the 2012 Terry Fox Run on Sunday, September 16th
12) Council authorized a licence of occupation agreement with the Child Development Centre for a Community Garden on the boulevard of Carson Drive
13) Council directed Staff to submit the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Function for an UBCM Community Excellence Award
14) Council approved a Recommendation from Committee of the Whole to receive letters from the City of Burnaby and the Cariboo-Chilcotin Conservation Society concerning changes to Section 35(1) of the Fisheries Act, as contained in Bill C-38
15) Council approved the 2012 Youth Street Party on Friday, August 10th
16) Council agreed to endorse a City of Langley UBCM resolution concerning Medical Emergency Service Alarm (MESA) Calls Cost Recovery
17) Council received a letter from the Hon. Ida Chong concerning the June 30th installment of the Strategic Community Investment Funding. The City will receive $488,354. Future installments will come in March and June of 2013 with a final payment in June of 2014. Council agreed to forward a letter of thanks
18) Council received a memo from UBCM concerning the annual Mid-Sized Communities Forum at the 2012 UBCM Convention
19) Council received the Council Information Package of July 17th, as follows:

May 2012 - Community Energy Association re Link to Web Publications and Notice of Climate & Energy Action Awards Application Deadline;
June 2012 - BC Games Society 2011-2012 Year in Review;
June 2012 - Thank You from Canadian Cancer Society re Relay for Life 2012;
June 29, 2012 - Initiatives Prince George re "On the Move" Newsletter & Economic Update Report;
July 5, 2012 - BCGEU re Support Against Privatization of BC Liquor Distribution Branch.

Council agreed to adjourn at 7:05pm

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