Yesterday -- CHNL in Kamloops reported the following:
Leader of BC's Green Party Jane Sterk says new candidates in Kamloops and across the province will be announced in the Fall.
With the recent success of Elizabeth May of the Federal Green Party - I, for one, would have thought that the BC Greens would copy the successful strategy of strategic campaigning to get BC Green candidates with the best shot of electability, getting them elected, rather than running 85 candidates province-wide
Now - with Greens running, traditionally that has hurt the BC NDP but with recent poll numbers showing the BC NDP clearly in the lead, will BC Greens' running 85 candidates hurt the BC NDP chances?? Only time will tell -- but it'll be interesting to see who the BC Greens in my two local provincial ridings of Cariboo-North and Cariboo-Chilcotin and it could make for an interesting campaign next May locally
ReplyDeleteI want to clarify the Green Party of BC position on the upcoming provincial election campaign. We intend to run exceptional candidates throughout the province. We are not running candidates against Bob Simpson in Cariboo North or against Vicki Huntington in Delta South. Greens value the work done by these hard working MLAs and we will say that publicly in our lead up to the election and encourage people to reelect them.
Our strategy is not substantially different from the Green Party of Canada. They too ran candidates in all ridings (except one where they had a candidate withdraw.) We intend to have several high profile campaigns where we think we have a greater chance of winning. Those ridings will be determined by the candidate, his or her ability to run a focused well-financed campaign, and areas of the province where our analysis suggests that we might win on a four way split. We expect there to be five to 10 of those campaigns.
BC Greens offer the only real alternative to the old parties. I am always puzzled by those who think BC Greens and the BC NDP have similar policies because we don't. That being said, I reached out to Adrian Dix after he was elected leader to see if there was any appetite on the part of the NDP to accommodate on seats. They were not interested.
Jane Sterk, Ph.D. Leader, Green Party of BC