Thursday, August 2, 2012

Cabinet Wrap Project underway...

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Schickworks Signs and Stitches has installed the first of 10 vinyl wraps for City utility cabinets. A Laureen Carruthers photo of an old Chevrolet truck is now installed at the Corner of 2nd and Oliver Street on the larger of the two utility cabinets. This utility cabinet is one of the more complicated cabinets to wrap, due to the dimensions and tricky box layout. In the coming weeks, the remaining nine wraps will be installed on cabinets around the city, weather permitting.

On June 27th a Selection Committee, consisting of three City Council members and three Board members from the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society, went through the tough process of selecting ten photos out of 120. The ten photos will be printed on vinyl and wrapped around ten City-owned utility cabinets within Williams Lake this month.

“It is a priority for the City of Williams Lake to take proactive measures to manage graffiti and beautifying our community,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “Programs such as the Cabinet Wrap Initiative for City owned infrastructure is a great start, but we need to work in collaboration with the private sector and other levels of government to implement further successful results in other areas of our community.”

The City hopes to continue this project as partnerships arise.

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