Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cariboo RD North Cariboo APC's

As my blog stats tell me that one is looking for information about Advisory Planning Commissions (APC) in the Cariboo RD 'North Cariboo' area...

As I've previously stated - APC's is a local Commission (Committee) comprised of local individuals of the Electoral Area who provides recommendations to the Area Director/Regional Board on planning applications or community planning issues.  A Cariboo Regional District APC may have up to 10 individuals sitting on it with one of them serving as Chair, one as Secretary or, in some cases like the APC I serve on (Area 'D'), one individual may serve as both Chair/Secretary of the Area APC (I currently serve as both Chair/Secretary of the Area 'D' APC)

Members of an Area APC do not get paid for their work.  They serve in a volunteer capacity.  However the APC Secretary gets a $25 stipend for every set of minutes submitted to the CRD Williams Lake office as CRD APC Minutes are public documents that can be accessed on demand.  APC Members' also can claim mileage to meetings by submitting a expense claim, through their Area Director.  Finally - CRD Policy permits an Area Director, at their discretion, to take their APC out for lunch or dinner to show appreciation for their work at a maximum cost of $25 per APC member

If you are interested in learning more - please contact your North Cariboo  - Cariboo RD Electoral Area Director as follows:

Area 'A' Director Ted Armstrong - tarmstrong@cariboord.bc.ca
Area 'B' Director Heloise Dixon-Warren -hdixon-warren@cariboord.bc.ca
Area 'C' Director John Massier - jmassier@cariboord.bc.ca
Area 'I' Director John Glassford - jglassford@cariboord.bc.ca


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