Friday, August 24, 2012

CRD Board Highlights - Aug 24th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Growing Fibre, Growing Value

The Cariboo Regional District received the recently released report from the Special Committee on Timber Supply entitled "Growing Fibre, Growing Value". The report contains twenty recommendations. In general terms, the recommendations are consistent with the Regional District's suggestions, including using a science based approach, promoting utilization of marginally economic forest lands, better fibre utilization and more.

Support for Agri-Culture Enterprise Centre Society

The Agri-Culture Enterprise Centre Society has requested a letter of support from the Cariboo Regional District for upcoming operational and project based funding applications to the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition and the Northern Development Initiative Trust. The Agri-Culture Centre is a non-profit society governed by a Board of Directors and supported by grassroots memberships. It is a centre for food producers, consumers, distributers, marketers and overall agricultural business development. The Society is based out of 100 Mile House and serves the agriculture industry throughout the south Cariboo.

Spanish Mountain Gold

Brian Grove, President and CEO of Spanish Mountain Gold and Marissa Nobauer from Cantana Consulting appeared before the Board to provide an update on the Spanish Mountain Gold Mine project. The project, which is located near Likely, B.C., has completed the exploration drilling phase and is now in the Pre-Environmental Assessment process. The presentation gave a high level overview of the project to date along with the economic potential, expected life-span of the potential mine, and site arrangement details including open pit, mill and waste management plans. If this mill proceeds, approximately 600 temporary jobs will be created during the construction phase and 300 hundred permanent positions would be created once the mine is operational. Further information about this project is available online at

MLA Update – Cariboo Chilcotin

Donna Barnett, MLA, Cariboo-Chilcotin, provided the CRD Board of Directors with information about some of the projects she is currently working on throughout the region. Topics discussed included an update on the Nina Lake Dam in Likely, and the Special Committee on Timber Supply. MLA Barnett also expressed her support for the south Cariboo’s and the Regional District’s opposition to the proposed federal electoral boundaries.

Community Works Funding Approved

The Board approved $170,000 of Community Works Funds to help complete the pilot project for the Lac La Hache refuse transfer station. The Solid Waste Management Plan identified that substantial savings could occur if the Regional District compacted the waste at transfer stations prior to hauling and controlling the sites with an attendant to reduce clean-up costs. The creation of a wood waste yard and an expanded share shed at the Lac La Hache site was also identified for construction in 2012. Visit the Cariboo Regional District onine to view the new Solid Waste Management Plan which has been approved by the CRD Board and awaiting final adoption and approval by the province - click here

During the meeting the CRD Board also approved up to $25,000 of Community Works Funds to perform an energy efficiency upgrade at the South Cariboo Regional Airport. The renovations will include installation of a radiant tube heater, a high-efficiency furnace, a natural gas water heater, and additional insulation.

The CRD Board also approved up to $6,100 of Community Works Funding for the Big Lake Community Association. The funds will be used to perform lighting upgrades and, any other related minor energy efficiency improvements at the Big Lake Community Hall. The work will include exchanging fixtures, as well as lamps and electronic ballasts. Renovations will also see the replacement of incandescent bulbs with LED lights, and upgrading high pressure sodium exterior lights with LED wall packs for an increased annual energy reduction.

Upcoming meetings

Board on the Road – Kersley Community Hall
Sept. 13/14 - Committee of the Whole/Board Meeting

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