Friday, August 3, 2012

Federal Review Panel responds to MiningWatch

In July - Mining Watch filed a request with the Federal Review Panel looking at the 'New Prosperity' Mine proposal that it be granted 'interested party' status as per Section 2(2) of the new CEAA 2012 Act

Response of the Panel:

How the Panel will determine interested party status for this review is a question of general interest for registered parties. Therefore, the Panel will issue directions shortly on the process to apply for interested party status and how those applications will be determined. Thank you for providing your comments on the above matter and your request on behalf of MiningWatch will be considered during that process

Meanwhile - the Panel, in a letter dated today (Aug 3rd) has asked the various parties, in relation to aboriginal concerns with 'New Prosperity', to address the Panel with this question:

To what extent do the Terms of Reference allow the Panel to consider, assess and
make recommendations concerning the potential impacts of the Project on potential or established Aboriginal rights or title?

The Panel has set a deadline of August 17th to respond

Read the full Panel letter to various parties (Aboriginal Rights/Title) here

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