Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fix Beach at Scout Island

Brenda Ballas, writes to Welcome to Williams Lake deploring the state of the local beach at Scout Island and lays the blame with Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook

This is not a new issue as this was deliberated between the local Field Naturalists and former Williams Lake Mayor Rick Gibson's Council (2005-2008) and I'm told years previous to this as when the City/CRD opened the Sam Ketchum Pool, the City stopped cleaning up the beach at Scout Island.  I wonder if Scout Island's beach should receive the same level of cleanup as we see at Boitanio and Kiwanis Parks, as examples.  In the last civic election - I personally advocated for increased funding for Scout Island so that it could receive proper maintenance and be a welcoming site for families to enjoy summer...

As of this writing (Aug 9th at 12:09am) - there were some 69 comments on Welcome to Williams Lake's Facebook page, with regard to this item, which you can view at

Read Ms. Ballas letter here

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