Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Quesnel Council Highlights -- Aug 20 mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Land Stability project on the move

Canadian Western Mechanical was awarded the contract for the pumping well and horizontal drain connections in the amount of $715,650. Although the amount is over budget for this particular portion of the project, the Project Manager noted that the estimate for this work was done in 2009 when the City first applied for the grant. He further noted that since the original budget, extra environmental costs, required by the federal government, were incurred.

The contract is to connect 14 pumping wells, 14 monitoring wells and 9 horizontal drains to the city’s storm main and sanitary sewer system which will carry all the water from these areas off site.

Transit update

The Annual Performance Summary of the Quesnel Transit System was presented to Council and highlighted revenue increases of 5% year over year even though ridership had decreased by 10%. The revenue increase was in part due to the fare increases in June, 2011.
BC Transit will be conducting a Service Review over the next several months that will include City staff and other community stakeholders. Informational presentations to Council will be made throughout the process.

Council travel denied

Due to the sanctions and a motion of censure previously placed on Councillor Thapar, travel restrictions were also placed on Thapar at the July 16 meeting of Council. The resolution reads that “Councillor Thapar be required to seek approval of Council before representing the City at any function or traveling out-of-town on behalf of the City.” Thapar recently requested to attend the upcoming Union of BC Municipalities conference, which request was brought forward at the August 20 meeting of Council. A recommendation by the Executive Committee comprised of Mayor Sjostrom and Councillors Roodenburg and Coleman was on the agenda and read “The recommendation of the Executive Committee is to allow Councillor Thapar to attend the annual UBCM convention, on behalf of the City of Quesnel, due to the importance of the UBCM convention. In allowing this request by Councillor Thapar, Council requests Councillor Thapar to keep his communications with, and about, the Mayor and other members of Council respectful.” After discussion at the meeting, the Councillor's (Thapar) travel request was denied by a split vote.

Miss Quesnel Royalty awarded

Council said their goodbyes to the outgoing 2011/2012 Miss Quesnel Royalty and presented Miss Quesnel Jadyn Koldeweihe and Princesses Mickaela Ezowski and Victoria Lefebvre with appreciation plaques. Royalty thanked both Council and the City of Quesnel for their support during their term as Miss Quesnel Royalty and encouraged all young woman to share the experience.

Other news

Local Zack Boesem, founder of The Push for Cancer is riding his longboard from Quesnel to Vancouver to raise money for cancer research. If you’d like to support Zack, email

South Quesnel will soon be home to the Dollar Tree. Council approved the development application for a retail expansion of 880.5m2 to 620 Newman Road.

Earlier this summer, the City of Quesnel made a presentation to the provincial government’s Special Committee on Timber Supply. This Committee was tasked with examining and making recommendations about the mid-term timber supply. Their report entitled Growing Fibre, Growing Value has now been released and is available on the City’s website at under “In the news” on the left hand side of the main page.

Quesnel was one of 15 breakfast programs across the country to benefit from the generosity of Kraft Foods Canada and the RCMP Foundation who donated $5,500 to the Quesnel Partnership for Student Nutrition. This non-profit agency runs the local breakfast club in our local schools and provides nutritious breakfasts to approximately 500 students in Quesnel each school day.
On July 8, Kim Slater began her journey across the province to engage northern communities in dialogue on renewable energy and alternatives to expanding the tar sands. For more information, visit her on Facebook, You Tube and Twitter.

Important dates

September 8 - Salvation Army community event
September 15 - Big Brothers Big Sisters Quesnel Golf for Kids Sake
September 16 - Annual Terry Fox Run
September 30 - 19th Annual Quesnel Women’s Fall Challenge
September 30 to October 2 - CCCTA Tourism Summit in Wells


September - United Way Month

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