Saturday, August 18, 2012

Will Councillor Thapar go to 2012 UBCM?

As part of his new restrictions - Quesnel Councillor Sushil Thapar asked at the July 30th Quesnel Council meeting to be allowed to attend the 2012 Union of BC Municipalities conference in Victoria.  Quesnel Council then deferred the request to this Monday's Quesnel Council meeting - read more here

While I expect Quesnel Council will ultimately allow Councillor Thapar to attend, should they not allow him to attend, it would be an incredible dumb move on Quesnel Council's part and given how many have expressed their support to Councillor Thapar (letters to the editor and protests), this would be one fight they (Quesnel Council) should not take on.

As they say -- pick your battles... but this is one battle that Quesnel Council can do without


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