Wednesday, August 22, 2012

WL Council Highlights - Aug 21st mtg

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

UBCM Convention

Council authorized registration, travel and associated
expenses for Mayor and Council and the CAO to attend
the 2012 Union of British Columbia Municipalities Annual
Convention from September 24 to 28, 2012 in Victoria, BC
at an approximate cost per person of $3000, excluding
applicable taxes. Council will pursue meetings with the
Premier and a number of provincial cabinet ministers to
discuss, among other issues, crime, the Prosperity mine,
Woodland Drive water and sewer service, aging recreation
infrastructure, and the Cariboo Memorial Hospital Master

Salvation Army Request for Use of Borland Street Parking Lot

Council approved the use of the parking lot at the corner of
Third Avenue and Borland Street by the Salvation Army for
their “Rally Day” on Saturday, September 15, 2012 from 10:00
am to 3:00 p.m. The day will feature games, music and a
concessions stand. The event runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Speed Reader Board Joint Funded Partnership with ICBC

Council directed staff to participate in the speed reader
program campaign with ICBC to inform the public once
the reader boards are in place and become commissioned.
Through its cost sharing road improvement program, ICBC
has agreed to purchase 2 speed reader boards at a cost of
$14,000. These reader boards must be placed strategically
at two locations, one on Mackenzie Avenue and one on
South Lakeside Drive, for one full year. The purpose is to
provide ICBC with valuable information that comes from the
downloaded data. Data will indicate how many vehicles are
driving by and at what times of the day. The reader boards
will also show the driver what speed they are traveling and
can be programmed to flash “SLOW DOWN”. As part of a
cost sharing agreement between the City and ICBC, $40,000
from the 2012 budget will be used. The cost of the reader
boards will be four boards at a cost of $5,918 each, plus a
onetime purchase of data logging software for a total of $
24,274.50, excluding applicable taxes.

Rural Fringe Fire Protection Working Committee

The Province served notice to the City of Williams Lake in
July that the current Provincial fire protection agreement
covering some areas on the fringe outside the City would
be discontinued as of December 31, 2012 and that alternate
arrangements will be required to provide fire protection to
those properties.
Additionally, two fire protection agreements between the
City and the Cariboo Regional District are expiring and
require renewal.
At its Aug. 21 meeting, City Council appointed a committee
comprised of Councillors Walters, Bourdon and Zacharias
with support from CAO Brian Carruthers and Director
of Finance Pat Higgins. Negotiations will commence
immediately in order to allow the CRD sufficient time to
obtain the elector approval for taxation for continued fire
protection services.
The City of Williams Lake Council currently provides fire
protection services to a number of properties on the fringe
of the City of Williams Lake under three separate fire
protection agreements. The first agreement is with the
Province under the Local Services Act and covers a large
number of properties on the immediate fringe of the City.
The other two agreements are with the Cariboo Regional
District and include areas beyond the Provincial agreement
including Fox Mountain, Esler and upper Dog Creek Road.

Important Dates

Next Regular Council Meeting
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Next Committee of the Whole Meeting
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Next City/Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

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