Saturday, September 1, 2012

WL Council meets Tuesday...

Update -- Former WL City Councillor Tom Barr left me the following comment on the issue of compliance of the 'Cariboo Theme' requirement in the Sign Bylaw:

The right decision was made re Chrysler sign debate.  Great to see council overide CAO recommendation with common sense solution. Indicates they have best interest of taxpayer in mind. Vast majority of local business will be happy to co-operate with sign bylaw intentions

Original Blog Post:

Of the 5 Local Governments in the Cariboo-Chilcotin, only the City of Williams Lake is meeting next Tuesday at 6pm.  The full Agenda can be viewed here

On the Agenda:


1) Dick Harris MP to present Queen Jubilee Award to WL City Councillor Surinderpal Rathor
2) IHA Acute Health Services Administrator Deb Runge to give update


1) Expansion of HandyDART coming for October - read here
2) Test conversion of City vehicles to propane - read here

3) After receiving a City Staff report outlining a complaint over compliance for the new 'Cariboo Theme' requirement from local businessman Kerry Gustafson, Committee of the Whole (Council) will recommend that the new Sign Bylaw be amended to require "voluntary" compliance with the Cariboo Theme requirement as contained in the new City of WL OCP Bylaw - read here

Editor's Note -- I imagine that commentor "Jim" will be none too pleased with this development.  I too am surprised at this recommendation as I don't know how you can have voluntary compliance other than simply saying "We ask that you comply to the Sign Bylaw requirements but if you can't, that is ok with the City..."

4) Use of WL Council for commercial purposes at the request of local author Sage Birchwater- read here

Editor's Note -- Based on the request of Mr. Birchwater, I think Council should allow the request as I believe it would not offend the intent of the policy relating to after-hours use of Council Chambers


  1. 'Most businesses will voluntarily comply...."
    Just shows how far out of touch Mr. Barr is with reality.
    I'd bet my house compiance will be less than 10% and that might be optimistic.
    Why bother with a by-law if it is voluntary?? Why waste staff time and dollars?? Why do an ICSP?? Why listen to the public??
    This Council can't stand someone disagreeing with them...what a bunch of flip floppers. Get a backbone!

  2. Once again, watering down a bylaw due to those that have not wanting to comply and make Williams Lake attractive to people. Its a shame. there is no point of having bylaws if you are either going to buckle or change them on the requests of one person or make them voluntary. Its like making a drivers license voluntary.....
