Tuesday, September 11, 2012

BC Conservative women back John Cummins...

In an increasing sign that BC Conservative party members are beginning to worry about John Cummins' hold as Leader of the BC Conservative Party -- 7 BC Conservative female party members including former BC Conservative Party Port Moody - Coquitlam candidate Christine Clarke all signed a joint public statement backing the leadership of Cummins

Read the statement here

I personally wonder though - if the dissidents' within the BC Conservatives' don't speak for the 'rank and file' of the BC Conservative party members', then why the need for back to back statements of the "Friends of John Cummins"

No, the statements tell me that there is deep seated concern about Cummins' grip on the leadership of the BC Conservative Party and thus the actions of the "Friends of John Cummins"

Meanwhile - the in-fighting of BC Conservatives' surely puts smiles on my fellow BC Liberals and our hard working BC Premier Christy Clark and her Cabinet Ministers :)


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