Monday, September 24, 2012

BC Conservatives': "Not a Contender"

In his column today - Vancouver Sun political columnist Vaughn Palmer argues why, given their finances which includes paying $4,000 per month to him and being in the red for $20,000 to date, John Cummins and the BC Conservatives' should no longer be viewed as a viable and legitimate contender in the May 14th, 2013 BC General Election

Meanwhile - I laughed out loud at this quote about John van Dongen and political party memberships from Mr. Palmer:

If the mercurial MLA (van Dongen) is serious about seeking out another party — and he suggested he was — he might wish to see if hourly membership rates are available.

Finally - Mr. Palmer's conclusion is one that I agree with:

As things stand today, the Conservatives are well-positioned to play a spoiler role in the next election. But they are looking less like serious contenders for major party status.

Bottom Line: The choice is clear -- the progressive and responsive BC Liberals vs the reckless & regressive BC NDP and ask yourself which party stands to move British Columbia forward.  For me - that is the BC Liberal Party.  How about you?

Read Vaughn Palmer's column here

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