Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Councillor Rathor questions two financial matters

At last night's WL Council meeting - senior WL City Councillor SPS Rathor questioned the following:

1) Cheque Run - Sept 6th/10th

a) IUOE Union Dues for former Building Inspector position  -- $99.84 in May and $85.18 in July

City of WL CAO Carruthers clarified that it was necessary, as per the existing collective agreement, to pay the union dues for the former Building Inspector position as it was a previous union job

b) Food for Mayor & Council Meeting from Porky's Deli for $146.55

Councillor Rathor expressed disappointment that this item did not contain more information to clear up which Council meeting this applied to, but if you look at the invoice date of Sept 5th - Council had a Special Meeting on this date which was followed by the Budget Meeting they had as well.  Seems clear to me

2) Use of TRUE Consulting for CN Pedestrian Underpass for Engineering Services

During consideration to award an Engineering Services Contract to TRUE Consulting re: the CN Pedestrian Underpass on Mackenzie Avenue - Councillor Rathor questioned how come this item was not subject to the usual tender process.  City of WL CAO Carruthers stated that as TRUE Consulting was the City's "Engineering Firm of Record" and had knowledge about this and other related projects - it really wasn't necessary to do a RFP (Request for Proposals)

Like Councillor Rathor -- former Cariboo RD Area 'F' Director Duncan Barnett questioned the same issue before the then-CRD Board.  I don't think there is an issue about having a "Auditor of Record" or "Engineering Firm of Record" as long as you go out every few years and make sure the taxpayer is getting the biggest bang for the dollar.  Who's to say that TRUE Consulting is giving us the biggest bang for the dollar and you can't unless you make multiple firms compete for City engineering consulting services


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