Sunday, September 23, 2012

John Martin comes home...

This past Friday - in a move I wasn't expecting, John Martin - a former BC Conservative candidate in Chilliwack - announced that he was ripping up his BC Conservative Party membership and would become a BC Liberal Party member and seek the nomination in Chilliwack as a BC Liberal

Read more here

However, the move by Mr. Martin didn't come without criticism of his former colleagues

For instance - my uncle and the BC Conservative Regional Director for Kamloops Alan Forseth wrote a blog post on how he (and I suspect many BC Conservatives' ) felt on the move.  You can read that blog post here

The Tyee, a left wing online newspaper has dug up 12 former John Martin quotes in which he criticized current BC Premier Christy Clark - read here

For myself - this shows the maturity of the BC Liberals, given both myself and John Martin where, at one time, vocals critics of the Party and now we both are "welcomed home".  The strength of one's leadership is where the Party leader and their people around them and say "I'm willing to let past sins' remain in the past and start anew".  Certainly, that is my experience with the BC Liberals locally after I criticized former BC Premier Gordon Campbell in 2010


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